🎯 Content marketing, 3 key trends to pique the interest of IT decision-makers in 2024

Already emerging in 2023, these best practices could well continue to influence content marketing. What trends should we be following to develop and encourage interaction with IT decision-makers in 2024?

1/ Encourage interactive and immersive content
IT decision-makers, who are often (very) busy, are looking for time-saving content. Stay focused and provide them with relevant, educational information.

Interactive content, quizzes, motion videos, and virtual or augmented reality can help to capture their attention. Keep in mind to make the information and evaluation process as engaging as possible.

2/ Accentuate personalisation with AI
AI-based solutions for analysing the online behaviour of IT decision-makers make it possible to personalise marketing content.

By understanding the specific issues they face and the topics that grab their attention, brands can create relevant content.

AI-powered chat bots can provide real-time information and guide prospects through the evaluation process.

3/ Focus on education and thought leadership
IT decision-makers are looking for partners who can inform and guide them in a constantly changing technological environment.

Content such as white papers, guides and blog articles can help to arouse their interest. The aim is to establish the credibility and thought leadership of a solution or expertise supported by the company.

It is essential to remain agile and adjust your strategies in line with market developments and the changing needs of IT decision-makers.

✔ Discover examples of our latest impactful achievements in terms of content marketing :

To find out more: Decision-making processes in B2B IT companies – IT PROCOM

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🏆 3 Golden rules for ROI’stes marketing content

A good marketing content strategy is an essential foundation for achieving your campaign objectives. To make sure you get the impact and ROI you're looking for, here are 3 golden rules you shouldn't deviate from. 1 - Determine the precise objectives associated with...

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